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Martin Luther King Jr.: A King Family Tribute

Martin Luther King Jr.: A King Family Tribute - Angela Farris Watkins, Andrew Young Received from Goodreads, this book, large like a family album, sized for display on a coffee table or such, is a treasure. I was so pleased when I won it that the moment it arrived I began reading.
It is a touching spiritual and pictorial memorial to Martin Luther King Jr., through the eyes and words of those friends and extended family that knew of him and loved him; it will move even the most casual observer.
Although he has become larger than life to most people, to those involved in his life, he was simply ML; he was human and reachable, fun, caring and kind. He was simply real! He knew who he was and where he was going with his life. He could be relied upon and trusted.
Through the personal memories and photos, he becomes a part of the reader’s life. For me, the book felt personal. The book moved me to tears, at times, as it brought back memories of the day he was shot. I remember the disbelief at the sudden loss of such a personage, who was larger than life and continued to be, even in death. The sixties were a decade of shame, but this book brings ML back to life, warmly, with heartfelt emotion and affection.
The respectful, glowing testimonies to his goodness and peaceful, loving purposeful life, speak volumes in only a few words. The book is not long or thick, but it is a gift with which to cherish and remember the man who changed the world, for the better.
Truly, a picture is worth a thousand words. Although he did not fire a shot, and did not believe in violence, someone else did, and that someone robbed the world of a great man who could have done much more. Yet, his legacy is one of freedom and justice for all and with it, he lives on, as does his dream.